Gift Redemption
Gifts can be registered to the system so later on you could use the gift for particular celebrations.
To add gifts:
- Go to "CRM" under "Main Menu"
- "Gift Redemption" under "CRM" Picture - (1)
- Click on the + icon on bottom right corner of the screen Picture - (2)
- A pop-up window will appear with a title "Add celebration"
- Enter a name/title for the celebration
- Choose the duration type:
*All day (Birthdays, anniversaries)
*Through the days (Chinese new year) - choose start & end dates
*Specific day (Christmas) - choose the date
- Add the gift by choosing the department, category and product.
- You can add more gifts by pressing the + icon on the bottom right of the pop-up window.
You can use the gift redemption on the order screen.
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